This study aims to determine the
concentrations of fluoride in UK tea products andtheir infusions. This is
related to the uptake and distribution of fluoride within teaplants Camellia
sinensis (L.). Human oral bioaccessibility of fluoride from theconsumption of
tea infusions was estimated, using an in vitro approach. The possiblehealth
significance from fluoride exposure is discussed.Fluoride in tea products and
the distribution within the tea plant was determinedusing a method, involving
alkali fused digestion with ion chromatography and aconductivity detector for
the instrumentation. For the aqueous infusions and thesupernatants in the
bioaccessibility experiments, ion selective electrode with avoltmeter was
adopted.Mean fluoride concentrations in tea products and their infusions varied
significantly(p<0.001; n=3) and were related to the type of tea product and
the retail cost. Thehigher priced teas, such as Darjeeling, Assam and Oolong,
had lower fluorideconcentrations. The lower priced supermarket Economy ranged
teas were significantlyhigher (p<0.05) in fluoride and exhibited
concentrations similar to Chinese Brick tea,which is prepared using mature tea
leaves. The higher quality products are preparedby selecting the finest tips of
tea (buds), whereas an Economy products use coarserharvesting techniques to
include mature leaves in the product.Fluoride affinity and tolerance of C.
sinensis was assessed by a series of fluoride dosingexperiments, ranging from 0
to 200 mg. Following fluoride dosing, a rapid uptake andaccumulation occurred
throughout the tea plants, resulting in partial necrosis ofrandom leaves.
Despite the necrosis, the plants tolerated the fluoride and continuedto
increase in height, although at a significantly slower rate (p<0.05)
compared to thecontrol plants. Accumulation of fluoride was observed to be
mostly in the matureleaves followed by younger buds, then the roots. This
relates to the part of the plantivused to produce the tea types, with mature
leaves for Economy products and the budsfor the finer teas.The in vitro
bioaccessibility assessment of fluoride estimated that over 91.4% offluoride
from a tea infusion is available in the human gastric compartment, with 92.1%in
the gastro-intestinal compartment. The addition of milk reduced fluoride
absorptionin the gastric and gastro-intestinal compartments to 73.8 and 83.1%,
respectively,possibly reacting to form calcium fluoride. Despite the percentage
bioaccessibility, theconcentration of fluoride available for absorption in the
human gut was dependentupon choice of tea product. Based on an adult male, the
findings suggest thatconsuming a litre of Economy tea can fulfil or exceed (75
to 120%) the recommendeddietary reference intake (DRI) of fluoride at 4 mg a
day, but only partially fulfil (25 to40%) when consuming a more expensive Pure
blend such as Assam.With regards to health, tea consumption is a source of
fluoride in the diet and is highlyavailable for absorption in the human gut.
Tea alone can fulfil an adult fluoride DRI,but is dependent upon choice of tea
product. Excess fluoride in the diet can lead todetrimental health effects such
as fluorosis of the teeth and skeletal fluorosis andconsuming economy branded
tea can lead to a higher exposure.